Fundraising Events


Sponsored events

Sponsored swims, silences, walks and sports tournaments can be a great way to raise vital funds for local people with brain injuries. To sign up for an opportunity, find out more, or talk about your ideas, email or call us on 01392 211822.

Walks, treks and cycles

What better way to raise money for local people with brain injuries than taking part in an exciting rewarding charity challenge? Thanks to our partners at Discover Adventure, Headway Devon are able to offer an extensive range of challenges including walks around the UK; treks to international destinations including Machu Picchu, the Great Wall of China and Mount Kilimanjaro; and cycle rides both at home and abroad.  For a full list of our treks, cycles and challenges, please visit Discover Adventure’s website here.

Collecting sponsorship is easy with Virgin Money Giving

Anyone looking for an easier way to collect sponsorship money should go to Virgin Money Giving where it is easy to set up a secure, free, online sponsorship page. If you are planning to take part in a sponsored event in aid of Headway Devon, set one of these pages up – it will increase the amount of money you can raise for us. Best of all, Gift Aid is added to your donors contributions automatically. Click here to start setting up a sponsorship page with Virgin Money Giving (in a new window). Please note, there are several Headway charities up and down the country so if you’d like to make sure that your fundraising stays here in Devon and Torbay then please be sure to select “Headway Devon” as your charity. Thank you.

Organise your own fundraising event!

Amongst the most popular events to organise are pub quizzes, coffee mornings and fashion shows, but the possibilities are endless. Our fundraising team are on-hand to provide support and advice as you organise your event, but the most important thing to remember is that if you enjoy organising it, it’s much more likely that people will enjoy attending it.

A word about Gift Aid

If you are undertaking a sponsored event or carrying out a collection at an event, then it may be the case that some donations are eligible for Gift Aid. Gift Aid is a government scheme that means charities can reclaim 25% of the amount of a donation back from HMRC. If you or your supporters intend to Gift Aid any donations, please take a moment to read and ensure you understand our Gift Aid information and FAQs here.

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Get Help

Suffering from a head injury or support someone that has a head injury? Then contact us today, we can help you and your loved one recover to the best of their ability and share the journey.

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Get Involved

Looking to volunteer for a forward thinking and vital charity? Then look no further, Headway Devon is looking for motivated and caring individuals to help those requiring support from acquired brain injury.

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Headway Devon relies on generous donations from members of the public and private businesses to deliver leading head injury support across the South West. Contact us today to find out more or donate.

01392 211822

Call our Exeter hotline (Mon-Fri  9-5)

Email the Headway team direct.

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About Us

Headway Devon provides support and rehabilitation for those suffering from head injuries or those caring for head injury patients and family members. We are affiliated with the UK Headway Charity.

Contact Details

01392 211822

01392 224430

Rooms 8-10, Basepoint Business Centre, Yeoford Way, Marsh Barton, Exeter, EX2 8LB

Headway Devon is affiliated to Headway UK the national brain injury charity.

Registered Charity number 1097870
Registered Company number 4777788